As an independent professional or freelancer, you are constantly delivering value to your clients. But what about the value you receive for your work? Freelance rates are always changing. What can we expect in 2025?
This Talent Monitor provides answers to that question with an in-depth analysis of the latest trends. Here are some key insights you won’t want to miss:
Fees for independent professionals continue to rise, but not always in line with inflation. In 2024, we saw a moderate increase of 3.6%, but the increase in 2025 is expected to be between 0.5% and 1%. What does this mean for you as a self-employed person? Is it time to reevaluate your rate?
Independent professionals still have the advantage of choosing from multiple projects. On average, freelancers are approached 16 times per year for new assignments. Although there has been a slight decline in demand, the job market remains tight, influencing supply and demand. Freelancers are still in control and can decide under which conditions they work.
The number of independent professionals continues to rise, approaching 1.1 million. Yet we see that only 12% of self-employed people are considering returning to salaried employment, while interest in becoming self-employed from salaried employment is significantly higher. This shows that the flexibility and freedom of self-employment remains the preferred option for many professionals.
According to Talent Monitor, there are strong indications that rates for independent professionals will increase slightly in 2025, despite a possible deterioration in the labor market. This increase will depend on several factors, such as vacancy rates and economic conditions, but rates are expected to grow between 0.5% and 1%.
Want to know more about the expectations for 2025? Then download the Talent Monitor now on the website of our parent organization HeadFirst Group and get a detailed overview of everything you need to know to stay one step ahead!
With these insights, you can refine your strategy as an independent professional and prepare for the changes 2025 will bring. Make sure to adjust your rates and work strategy to match the market conditions of the coming year!
Met deze inzichten kun je niet alleen je strategie als zelfstandige professional verbeteren, maar ben je ook voorbereid op de veranderingen die 2025 met zich meebrengt. Zorg ervoor dat jij je tarieven en werkstrategie op de juiste manier afstemt op de marktomstandigheden van het komende jaar!