An assignment averages €90 per hour with a duration of 16 months.
Senior UX Designer
Belastingdienst - ICT
Informatie Analist
Full Stack Developer Touchpoint Excellence team
Vattenfall AB
Mendix Architect
Ministerie van Defensie
Maximo Specialist
Stedin Netbeheer B.V.
All the benefits at a glance.
Guaranteed payment of invoices within 14 days and insured for all major business risks.
Unlimited online learning, discounted training and participation in knowledge sessions.
Brainstorm with your regular partner manager. Call our recruiters. Personal contact works.
Your personal “hub,” has helpful tools on how to best shape your career path.
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average number of attempts to get an assignment
These are the average numbers of open assignments by specialty per month:
"The working method is really great, I can't say anything else. Good contact and a clear system."
“Fast contact and clear platform”.
"I have had telephone contact a few times, and it all went smoothly. Additionally, I am very satisfied with the platform and the convenience regarding reversed billing."
Striive is the platform of HeadFirst Group
Together with our network, we strive for one common goal: a transparent, balanced and inclusive labour market, where organizations and talent are perfectly connected.
Professionals at work in 2023
Clients working with HeadFirst Group
Countries where professionals work
Employees at HeadFirst Group
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