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How we work
Finding assignments for your professionals
  • Find assignments

    Get access to over 20,000 assignments from scale-ups to corporates.

  • Offer your professional

    Set the rate and show why your professional is the best match.

  • Simple contract process

    We can't make it any more fun, but we've certainly made it easier with the revamped contracting process.

  • Track your payment

    Stay up to date on your professionals' payment processes with a convenient overview.

  • Find an assignment

    Set a search on a feature and get notifications via e-mail.

  • Offer your professional

    Your professional goes from Longlist to Shortlist to finally winning candidate.

  • Simple contract process and administration

    Delivering documents once is enough. This is how we make it even easier and faster.

  • Track your invoices and payment

    Payment is always on time and directly trackable in our platform. Of course filterable per client and professional.

What our partners say

"Simple and fast, Striive is an improvement. It's convenient that the task remains visible during the different steps in the offer process."

Roland van der Heijden

"The Striive platform works much better than Select. It is more organized and user-friendly."

Brian Feenstra
INPARK Engineering

"It's very easy to submit my candidates through Striive!"

W. Voorst van Beest

"Striive is an easy-to-use and well-functioning portal, very pleasant to work with."

Jorryt de Vries

"The portal has become much easier to use."

Richard Amama
IT Test Talents
Partner rates

Always respond for free and easily. You only pay when you have placed a professional.

Create a free account now
Simple contract process & administration off your hands

We make it as easy as possible for you by doing less yourself. So you can focus on the placements.

20k+ assignments - No cure no pay

Join our platform. With over 20,000 assignments and new offers daily, there is always an assignment available.

No relationship / competition clause

You retain complete freedom to decide where to place your professionals.

Our teams are here for you

Want to know how we can support you? Contact us and we'll tell you all about it.

Call us
Partner management 