Everything taken care of for you with our services for independent professionals.
Our services are rated 7.6 using Ratecard
You immediately enjoy a wide range of benefits for free. You only pay for your chosen services at the start of your assignment through Striive.
Join our platform too, with more than 20,000 assignments and new offers daily there is an assignment available at all times.
Even without choosing specific services, our platform provides access to essential features to support your career as an independent professional. Enjoy the freedom and flexibility to develop your career on your terms.
€2,69 Hourly rate
€3,49 Hourly rate
€4,39 Hourly rate
Personal (fixed)
Personal (fixed)
Personal (fixed)
14 days
Our team is ready for you
Use our platform and find suitable assignments from our annual offer of more than 20,000 assignments from top 500 clients. All on a no cure, no pay basis.
The revamped contract process is completely designed with you, the end user, in mind. You simply go through the contract steps and sign the agreement. Plus, you easily keep track of when you get paid.
With our services, you are assured of guaranteed and accelerated payment terms. In addition, through our partner Alicia Benefits, you are appropriately protected within minutes against all sorts of risks you face as a business owner.
Always get free access to the Striive Solutions Hub containing tools to support your career:
Always in contact with one fixed person to assist you individually with all questions and challenges regarding your assignment. As soon as you have an assignment.
Access over 850 E-learning modules and customized learning programs.
“Working method is really great, can't say otherwise. Good contact and a clear system.”
"Quick contact and clear platform"
“I've only had a few phone contacts and it all went fine. In addition, I am very satisfied with the platform and the convenience regarding reversed billing.”
Our team is ready to answer questions about our professionals services!