All Striive services are always no cure, no pay
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Our services are rated 7.6 using Ratecard

Always no cure, no pay

You immediately enjoy a wide range of benefits for free. You only pay for your chosen services at the start of your assignment through Striive.

More than 20.000 assignments with top clients

Join our platform too, with more than 20,000 assignments and new offers daily there is an assignment available at all times.

70% of users choose our services
Our professionals services

€2,69 Hourly rate

Career plus

€3,49 Hourly rate

Premium Career

€4,39 Hourly rate

Start free now
You receive all the basic benefits +
Matching & Opportunities
Bid and match via Striive: Find your ideal assignment with top employers.
Personalized Expert Advice
Relationship manager(s) for questions and advice

Personal (fixed)

Personal (fixed)

Personal (fixed)

Virtual Bench, recruitment & subsequent assignments
Placement improvement for (Subsequent) Assignments
Insurance and Payment Guarantees
Accelerated Invoice Payment

14 days

Business liability and Professional indemnity insurances
Cybersecurity Insurance
Temporary disability insurance
Striive Solutions Hub: Data-Driven Entrepreneurship and Future Readiness
Hourly rate benchmark calculator
Net Income calculator​
Real-time market insights
Comprehensive career & personal development
Regular knowledge & networking sessions
Skill Gap Analysis & Growth Path
Striive Academy: Unlimited learning & professional development subscription
Striive Academy: Discount on digital & classroom trainings, exams, and essential certifications
Personal development, and collective discounts toolkit
Gestroomlijnd contracteringsproces en compliance
Eenvoudig & compliant contract- en facturatieproces
Juridisch adviesdesk en documenten selfservice
Vergoeding screeningkosten (PES/VOG)
Access to thousands of assignments

Use our platform and find suitable assignments from our annual offer of more than 20,000 assignments from top 500 clients. All on a no cure, no pay basis.

More than 20.000 Assignments
Annual access to more than 20.000 premium assignments from top 500 clients.
No-Cure, No-Pay Model
A risk-free financial model where you only pay for successful placements.
Freedom of Choice
Enjoy operational freedom without restrictive clauses, allowing you to choose assignments that best suit your skills and preferences.
View all assignments
Fast online contract processing

The revamped contract process is completely designed with you, the end user, in mind. You simply go through the contract steps and sign the agreement. Plus, you easily keep track of when you get paid.

Efficient contracting
Finalize contracts within 15 minutes with technologies such as AdobeSign and Victoria-id.
Legal advice desk and documents self-service
Instant access to free first-line legal advice. With document self-service, quickly prepare legal documents yourself
Compliance by desig
We make sure you work compliantly. Plus, you can easily reuse your screening report for subsequent assignments.
Business with certainty

With our services, you are assured of guaranteed and accelerated payment terms. In addition, through our partner Alicia Benefits, you are appropriately protected within minutes against all sorts of risks you face as a business owner.

Options for accelerated payment
With our expedited invoice payment option, we aim to pay your invoices faster than the 35-day average, regardless of when the client pays, provided the hours worked are approved in a timely manner. With Career, your invoices will be paid with 30 days, and with Premium Career with 14 days, provided the conditions are met.
Good protection in no time
Go to your assignments with security, with insurance in your pocket such as professional and corporate liability, cybersecurity and our safety net in case of total disability.
Only pay when you work
With the premium calculated on an hourly basis, you know you're never paying for coverages you don't use. Super convenient, all taken care of automatically through Striive.
Appropriate coverage for your profession
Thanks to smart insurance from Alicia Benefits, you have the coverages that fit your profession. So you can go to your assignments with peace of mind.
Striive Solutions Hub: Data-driven entrepreneurship and future readiness

Always get free access to the Striive Solutions Hub containing tools to support your career:

Hourly rate benchmark and net income calculator
Using our benchmark with 10+ years of rate data from 20K professionals and partners, you can start charging a competitive hourly rate with certainty. You can also instantly calculate what your net income would be.
Real-time market insights dashboard
Get market insights with data on top IT occupations, social skills, professional skills and IT skills across the marketplace
Personalized contact & advice

Always in contact with one fixed person to assist you individually with all questions and challenges regarding your assignment. As soon as you have an assignment.

Personal contact
Each workday a dedicated person is available to personally assist you for all questions and challenges regarding your assignment.
If you don't choose our professionals services, then you won't have a fixed contact person but a team of people who can help you.
Placement improvement in (follow-up) assignments
Our team looks for suitable follow-up assignments even before your current assignment ends. In addition, we offer support to maximize your placement on a subsequent assignment, including personal branding and CV optimization.
Comprehensive career & personal development

Access over 850 E-learning modules and customized learning programs.

Access to Striive Academy
Get unlimited access to more than 850 e-learning modules and customized learning paths for your field.
Discounts on training, exams and certifications
Take advantage of exclusive discounts on hundreds of trainings, exams and certifications at leading institutes.
Access to regular knowledge and networking sessions
Attend events with engaging speakers and current topics, both digitally and in our theater in Hoofddorp. Perfect opportunities to network and conclude with a pleasant drink.
Skill Gap analysis
Identify and strengthen missing hard and soft skills to best prepare yourself for future opportunities and growth
Resilience scans and coaching
Discover your growth potential in resilience and skills with personal development scans through Inuka and get discounts on customized coaching.
More than 20.000 professionals already work through Striive for top clients
What our professionals say

“Working method is really great, can't say otherwise. Good contact and a clear system.”

Daphne van Doorn
MarCom Specialist

"Quick contact and clear platform"

Rik van der Veen
Interim HR Consultant

“I've only had a few phone contacts and it all went fine. In addition, I am very satisfied with the platform and the convenience regarding reversed billing.”

Mehmet Sezer
(Agile) Product Owner

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Our team is ready to answer questions about our professionals services!

Frequently Asked Questions