All Striive services are no-cure, no-pay
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Our services score 7.6 on Ratecard.

Always no cure, no pay

Enjoy instant access to a wide range of benefits for free. You only pay for the services you choose once your professional starts an assignment via Striive.

More than 20.000 assignments from top clients

Join our platform and access over 20.000 assignments. With new opportunities added daily, there’s always an assignment available.

70% of users choose a partnership
Our Partner Services
Business Partner

€2,50 Hourly rate

Business Partner Plus

€3,00 Hourly rate

Premium Business Partner
at first deployment

€3,25 €2,50 Hourly rate

Start free now
You receive all the basic benefits +
Matching & Opportunities
Bid and match your professionals via Striive: Find the ideal assignments with top employers.
Personalized Expert Advice
Relationship manager for questions and advice
Virtual Bench, recruitment & subsequent assignments
Insurance and Payment Guarantees
Accelerated invoice payment

30 days

25 days

14 days

Professional Indemnity Insurance: Coverage up to €5.000.000
Striive Solutions Hub: Data-Driven Business Success and Future Readiness
Talent and Resource Planning




Hourly Rate Benchmark Calculator
Real-time Market Insights




Customer Feedback Integration




Access to collective discounts
Comprehensive Career Development
Skill Gap Analysis and Growth Path
Regular knowledge/networking sessions
Striive Academy: Discount on digital & classroom trainings, exams, and essential certifications
Streamlined Contracting Process and Compliance
Simple contract and invoicing process

Need help choosing?

Our team is ready for you.

Access to thousands of assignments

Use our platform to find suitable assignments from our yearly selection of more than 20.000 assignments from top 500 clients. Everything is based on a no cure, no pay model.

More than 20.000 assignments
Year-round access to over 20.000 premium assignments from top 500 clients.
No-cure, No-pay model
A risk-free financial model where you only pay for successful placements.
Freedom of choice
Enjoy operational freedom with no restrictive clauses, allowing you to choose assignments that best match your skills and preferences.
View all assignments
Fast online contract processing

The renewed contract process is designed entirely with you in mind. You follow simple contract steps and sign the agreement effortlessly. Plus, you always have a clear overview of when you’ll get paid.

Efficient contracting
Finalize contracts in just 15 minutes using technologies like AdobeSign and Victoria ID.
Compliance by design
We ensure you work fully compliant. Plus, you can easily reuse your screening report for future assignments.
Partnerships with certainty

With our partnerships, you opt for accelerated payment terms. In addition, you are protected against risks of damages due to professional liability.

Accelerated payment options
With our accelerated invoice payment option, we aim to pay your invoices faster than the 35-day average, regardless of when the client pays, provided the hours worked are approved on time. As a Business Partner, your invoices will be paid with 30 days, as a Business Partner Plus with 25 days, and as a Premium Business Partner with 14 days, provided all conditions are met.
Professional liability insurance
Our coverage of up to €5.000.000 per assignment offers you as a partner peace of mind and financial protection against professional liability and third-party claims during assignments of your professionals.
Striive Solutions Hub: Data-Driven Insights & Efficiency

With the Striive Solutions Hub, you gain access to real-time market insights and advanced analytics. Improve your placement rates by leveraging detailed data that enhances the match between professionals and assignments.

Hourly rate benchmark calculator
Access 10+ years of benchmark data from 20.000 professionals and partners to confidently determine competitive hourly rates.
Real-Time market insights dashboard
Gain a market-wide overview with data on top industries, social trends, professional skills, and rates across the sector.
Talent and resource planning
Efficiently manage professionals with strategic planning tools and enhanced features to optimize talent pools and prepare for the future.
Personal contact & advice

Get direct support from a dedicated contact person for any questions or challenges related to your assignment. Once your assignment starts, we’re here to help.

Dedicated contact person
Every workday, your assigned contact person is available to provide personalized support and guidance for any questions or challenges related to your assignment.
Support desk
If you don’t have a service package, you’ll still have access to a team of specialists who are ready to assist you.
Comprehensive career and personal development

Access over 850 e-learning modules and customized learning programs.

Access to Striive Academy
Get unlimited access to more than 850 e-learning modules and custom learning paths.
Discounts on training, exams, and certifications
Benefit from exclusive discounts on hundreds of training programs, exams, and certifications from leading institutions.
Regular knowledge & networking sessions
Join events with inspiring speakers on relevant topics, both online and in our theater in Hoofddorp. The perfect opportunity to expand your network and end the day with a relaxed social gathering.
Skill Gap Analysis & Growth Plan
Identify and strengthen missing hard and soft skills to better prepare your professionals for future opportunities and career growth.
Deploy your professionals to top clients now
What our partners say

"It works simple and fast, Striive is an improvement. Convenient that the assignment remains visible at different steps in the offer process."

Roland van der Heijden

"The Striive platform works much better than Select. It is clearer and more user-friendly."

Brain Feenstra
INPARK Engineering

"It is very easy to offer my candidates through Striive!"

W. Voorst van Beest
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