Everything sorted for you with our partner services.
Our services score 7.6 on Ratecard.
Enjoy instant access to a wide range of benefits for free. You only pay for the services you choose once your professional starts an assignment via Striive.
Join our platform and access over 20.000 assignments. With new opportunities added daily, there’s always an assignment available.
No need for a specific partnership—our platform gives you access to essential tools that support your organization. Enjoy the freedom and flexibility to grow your business.
€2,50 Hourly rate
€3,00 Hourly rate
€3,25 €2,50 Hourly rate
30 days
25 days
14 days
Our team is ready for you.
Use our platform to find suitable assignments from our yearly selection of more than 20.000 assignments from top 500 clients. Everything is based on a no cure, no pay model.
The renewed contract process is designed entirely with you in mind. You follow simple contract steps and sign the agreement effortlessly. Plus, you always have a clear overview of when you’ll get paid.
With our partnerships, you opt for accelerated payment terms. In addition, you are protected against risks of damages due to professional liability.
With the Striive Solutions Hub, you gain access to real-time market insights and advanced analytics. Improve your placement rates by leveraging detailed data that enhances the match between professionals and assignments.
Get direct support from a dedicated contact person for any questions or challenges related to your assignment. Once your assignment starts, we’re here to help.
Access over 850 e-learning modules and customized learning programs.
"It works simple and fast, Striive is an improvement. Convenient that the assignment remains visible at different steps in the offer process."
"The Striive platform works much better than Select. It is clearer and more user-friendly."
"It is very easy to offer my candidates through Striive!"
Our team is ready to answer questions about our services!