Get access to over 20,000 assignments from top 500 organisations
Do the cv check and place a bid for your next assignment
We can't make it any more fun, but it will certainly get easier with the revamped contract process
Start working on your assignment immediately, fully supported by Striive for a smooth process
Always stay up to date on the status of your payments with a clear overview and fast payments
Enter your desired search criteria and find the ideal assignment with one of our 500+ clients
Respond to the assignment and connect with our recruiters and clients
Respond to the assignment and contact the client
Payment is made within 30 or 14 days, depending on your package
"The working method is really great, I can't say anything else. Good contact and a clear system."
"Fast contact and clear platform."
"I have had telephone contact a few times, and it all went smoothly. Additionally, I am very satisfied with the platform and the convenience regarding reversed billing."