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Develop your growth-mindset and power skills!

To create a stronger position in the job market, personal development and expanding your skills is very valuable. A growth mindset can help with this, but a better understanding of your power skills also contributes. You can read more about it in this blog.

Growth versus fixed mindset

Growth mindset and power skills are trendy terms, but actually they are nothing new. A growth mindset is the belief that you can develop skills and intelligence as long as you dedicate yourself to them. This is in contrast to a fixed mindset, where these factors are seen as innate an immutable. In a growth mindset, you embrace challenges and learn from mistakes. You also see opportunities rather than threats.

This is desirable in today's society with all its rapid technological changes. This mindset allows you to learn new skills even as the world around you changes. It's a way of thinking that helps you stay resilient and deal positively with uncertainty. The smart use of your power skills is important in this regard.

Make it specific

If you want to increase your value in the job market, it's good to know what skills you can specifically develop with then. Power skills is the umbrella term for hard skills and soft skills together. This is a wide range of different personal and professional skills that can come in handy in the workplace. Where is your strength and where can you learn a little more? The better you know this, the more valuable you can make yourself to an employer.

Hard and soft skills

All technical skills necessary to perform certain tasks fall under hard skills. These are therefore mainly 'concrete' skills. Examples include accounting, data analysis, web development and speaking other languages. Hard skills are measurable skills that can be tested.

Skills that relate to all social aspects that are important within an organization are called soft skills. These include elements such as communication, teamwork, conflict resolution and leadership. Soft skills are often broadly applicable across industries and environments. HR teams are also increasingly alert to selecting people with a strong soft skillset.

Develop better power skills

Improving hard skills and soft skills does require a slightly different approach. For hard skills, for example, you can attend workshops, do courses or attend training sessions. Especially with practical practice, you can grow considerably in these. Soft skills focus mainly on feelings. Developing your soft skills is best done by applying theoretical knowledge in practice as soon as possible. Also learn from the behavior of people with stronger soft skills.

When you want to grow both personally and professionally, it is smart to keep developing. Challenge yourself and learn new skills. You can do this, for example, with the Striive Academy. Look here for more information about the training courses we offer.

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