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Data modeling: what is it and what can you do with it?

The world is digitizing at a rapid pace. Data provides insights into indispensable data and the development in technology and AI creates numerous new possibilities. Very valuable for organizations, but this can also cause chaos. Data modeling provides clarity and overview. What data modeling exactly means and what you as an organization can do with it, you can read in this blog.

The definition of data modeling

Data modeling is really nothing more or less than dissecting various data streams. It involves identifying entities, relationships and attributes. This results in models that represent the structure of a database. Or more simply put: Data modeling is the creation of a plan for how data should be organized and stored.

It's like organizing a closet. You decide where each piece of information belongs so you can easily find and use it later. Data modeling helps businesses and organizations make sense of their data and use it to make smart decisions.

What is a data model?

A data model is like a blueprint for data. It shows the structure of the data and explains how different pieces of information are connected. This model helps effectively set up, store and retrieve data so that it can be easily understood and used for analysis and decision-making.

Often a data model can be represented visually using a specific database diagram that shows the essential elements and their interconnections. This visual representation is a powerful tool for developers and designers in understanding and communicating the complex structures within a database.

The future of data modeling

The future of data modeling is full of exciting developments, driven by the ongoing evolution of technologies. One promising trend is the rise of advanced automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in data modeling processes. With these technological advances, you generate complex data models faster and more accurately.

Does data modeling also work in a company's larger systems? Absolutely! That's because it can be deployed flexibly. Data models are not a fixed entity, but can change and grow with the needs of the business. By using data models as flexible tools, you make managing and using data stronger and more active, fitting the rapidly changing needs of your organization.

Try it out

Data modeling has reshaped the way we look at different data and information flows. With digitization rushing through our society like a bulldozer, it is increasingly important that we understand what is happening with data and how it is being used and applied in the real world. Precisely for this reason, more and more people are choosing to delve into data modeling and data visualization. So, a valuable addition to your organization. Want to learn more about data modeling? Through the Striive Academy you can find several training courses.