According to Consultant Rudi Habets, the current labor market offers many opportunities for the self-employed. Therefore, as an independent professional, he directs the interpretation of his work, striving to deliver positive added value. He is currently doing just that on an assignment at Enexis.
“At multinationals these days, many IT roles are being moved to other countries and therefore disappear from the Netherlands,” Habets says. He too had to deal with this, which led to him being more concerned with preparing for an upcoming change than achieving results with a team. “A good time to take the reins into his own hands,” Habets explains. Soon after becoming self-employed, he was assigned to an assignment at Enexis. “Here I can easily combine my experience as a business consultant and project and program manager to help the organization with challenging projects. For example, setting up new ways of working and teams or supporting transitions to keep them on track.”
“As an independent professional, you have to be able to quickly make yourself familiar with the subject matter and challenges at the organization.”
According to Habets, the current labor market can be viewed from two sides. “You notice that organizations are under pressure to start new projects, but there is still scarcity especially of experienced IT professionals. Therefore, hiring a flexible shell offers advantages for clients,” Habets says. For now, he plans to remain independent because this position gives him the flexibility to change assignments as soon as he feels the need. “As long as I am appreciated and can add positive value, I am in place,” Habets said.
“Because of the partnership with HeadFirst Group, I don't have to worry about practical issues during my assignment.”
During his assignment, Habets uses Premium services and, from all the benefits, particularly appreciates the personal contact with a Relationship Manager. “If I have questions, I only have to make one call and I am helped,” Habets explains. He also benefits from support with his administration and the payment of his invoices. “If these practical matters are not well taken care of, you take these concerns with you to an assignment. Now I know that everything is well taken care of, so I can get to work carefree,” concludes Habets.