Do you want to acquire new knowledge and skills as an independent professional? Then there are several ways to do that. But what is the most effective way? That becomes clear using Bales' learning pyramid.
Bales' learning pyramid is a model used to map out how we take in information most effectively. The main principle the pyramid was developed on is that the more passive you take in information, the less is remembered. The more actively you take in information, the better it is remembered. See here the seven layers and how well information is remembered:
One of the principles on which Bales' pyramid is based is that the human brain remembers information better when mistakes are made. Making mistakes automatically forces the brain to think about how something can be done better. By merely hearing or reading information, the brain does not go through the process of making mistakes. Thus, to truly undergo the learning process, the brain must also undergo practical experience. Thinking about mistakes made and how to avoid them in the future creates neuroconnections in the brain. Physical actions are required to really take in information.
How can you put into practice the principles on which Bales' learning pyramid is based? For the next course, study or training you take, you can use the following practical tips:
Do you want to actively engage in gaining new knowledge and learning skills? Join the 3,500 professionals working on an assignment through us who found their way to the Striive Academy training environment. On average, they spend 20 hours a week gaining knowledge and skills on Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Cloud, Data, Agile project management, SCRUM and much more.