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The key to successful onboarding of interim professionals

Have you ever wondered how to effectively onboard interim professionals and ensure they deliver top performance from day one? Look no further, because we have the key! Onboarding interim professionals can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can make the onboarding process run smoothly.

The importance of thorough onboarding

Why is a thorough onboarding of interim professionals actually important? An onboarding helps to increase the productivity and engagement of the professional. It also makes the professional feel valued and welcome. Despite being an external force, this is just as valuable as with permanent employees. With this you increase the success on the cooperation between all parties involved. Below are our tips for a successful onboarding.

Prepare like a pro

Make sure you have all the necessary resources, such as workstations, software licenses and access rights, ready on time. Good preparation is literally half the battle. If the interim professional has to wait on day 1 to access his/her email account, it is not only a waste of time but also very costly.

Set up a buddy system

Assign an experienced colleague as a buddy for the new interim professional. This buddy can help answer questions, share company culture and even introduce the best place for a tasty lunch break. The buddy system is like having a trusted sidekick to help make your first days in the office as easy as possible.

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Organize a “Meet & Greet."

Plan an informal meeting where the interim professional has a chance to get to know the team. Consider creative questions or games so that the ice is quickly broken and the working relationship is immediately taken to the next level.

Create a handbook

Create a concise handbook with important information about the company, its goals and expectations. Don't just limit yourself to numbers and dry material. Use humor and funny anecdotes to bring the handbook to life. A document that mixes the basics with a touch of humor reads much better.

Hire your interim professional quickly and effectively

Onboarding interim professionals is a crucial step in helping them succeed in their role. By proper preparation, using a buddy system, hosting informal meetings and creating a handbook, you can make onboarding fun and effective.

And remember: good onboarding not only makes it more fun, it keeps people coming back for more. Our tip? Go hire interim and use these tips to make it a success! Want to know how we can help you optimize your hiring process? Contact us and we'll tell you all about it.

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