News Hiring professionals

Hiring a freelancer? Here's what you need to consider

As an employer, it can be a great help when dealing with temporary crowds or accomplishing specific projects to hire outside employees or freelancers. Freelancers are often flexible and available quickly and can be a valuable addition to your team. But hiring a freelancer also comes with some compliance risks. We tell you what to consider when working with freelancers.

Key differences between an employee and freelancer 

First, it is important to know that a freelance professional is not an employee, but an independent contractor (zzp'er). This means that there is no employment contract between you as the employer and the freelancer. As a result, the freelancer is not entitled to leave, sick leave, a fixed number of vacation days or pension. However, this does not mean that you as an employer have no responsibilities.

For example, you need to make sure that working conditions are safe and you want to check that your freelancer has the proper licenses and insurance. In addition, you also have to deal with being a good employer. Performing a freelance assignment is usually around 6 months. In agreement with the freelancer, you determine in advance the expected period of cooperation. By clearly communicating and agreeing on everything, you can comply with good client practice. And that is just as important as being a good employer.

Finally, it is important to realize that a freelancer often works for other clients as well. As a result, the freelancer may take on another assignment at the same time as your assignment. This makes it important when hiring freelancers to make arrangements about working hours in advance. This way, you will not face any surprises.

Laws and regulations

It is important to take into account the laws and regulations regarding working conditions. This way you avoid compliance risks and fines. For example, you must ensure that the freelancer's work meets the requirements of the occupational health and safety legislation. After all, a freelancer must also be able to work safely just like an employee. In this way, you prevent unfair competition. You also have the law DBA and AVG to take into account.

It is always wise to draw up a written agreement or contract with the professional. This document serves as legal protection for both parties and clarifies agreements regarding the project, payments, confidentiality and ownership of the work. If necessary, consult legal counsel to ensure the contract meets all legal requirements.

Checks for important documents

In addition to differences in laws and regulations, when hiring a freelancer there are things you want to check before the job begins. A freelancer is responsible for paying taxes and arranging social insurance. As an employer, you therefore want to conduct an entrepreneurial check before the freelancer starts working for you. This way you can be sure that the freelancer you are working with has his affairs in order. This prevents problems with the tax authorities.

Striive performs an entrepreneur check before the start of every assignment. We check at least the ID documents and KVK extracts, but we can do more checks at the request of the client. Think about insurance, VOG, diplomas and certificates. Our automated process saves both the client and the freelancer a lot of time!

Where to find a freelancer?

There are numerous ways to find a freelance professional. Networking can be a very effective way to find freelancers. Ask in your area if they know anyone who is freelancing and offering their services. You can also attend local events and conferences to connect with professionals in your field.

It is also possible to find the right freelancer on social media or online communities. LinkedIn is a popular choice for finding professionals in various industries. Online communities often have discussions and groups on various topics, including freelancing. It is a good place to ask for advice on how to find the right freelancer and get in touch with professionals.

Online, you can also find several freelance platforms in no time. These platforms allow you to find a large number of freelancers in different categories and skills. The supply of freelancers is huge, making it quite difficult to find the best freelancer. Also, you usually pay a high commission to the freelance platform for using their services. With Striive, this is different. Using the platform is free and you only pay a small amount per hour worked for hiring a freelancer. With the Striive platform we make it easy for you and you are guaranteed to have 3 available top candidates in your inbox within 48 hours.

Post your freelance jobs

Working with freelancers is an important decision that can contribute to the success of your projects. With the above points of attention, you can create good principalship and let the freelancer carry out assignments without worries. Post your freelance assignments through Striive and find the right professional. Want to know more about how we can support you? Please contact us for the possibilities.

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