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5 reasons for businesses to hire a freelancer

Hiring a zzp'er (independent contractor without staff) offers many advantages. It can therefore be an attractive option for companies that need temporary help or want to hire specific expertise, without the costs and obligations of an employee. However, it can also carry risks, especially if you are not familiar with the rules and regulations that apply. We lay out the benefits and important considerations about hiring a freelancer.

Benefits of external hiring

In today's job market, there is a noticeable shift from traditional employment models to more flexible and dynamic work structures. A growing number of employed people are choosing to become self-employed and offer their services as freelancers We sat down with a number of clients from our pool to ask “why hire a freelancer?”.

1. Flexibility

One of the most frequently mentioned benefits of hiring a zzp'er is the flexibility offered. As a company, you have the ability to hire freelancers for specific projects or tasks without the obligation of long-term employment contracts. For example, if extra manpower is needed for a temporary project, you can easily hire a zzp'er for the duration of the project. This allows you to tailor your workforce to your company's current needs without being stuck with additional long-term costs. You don't have to worry about the responsibilities associated with having an employee on the payroll.

2. Cost savings

Hiring a freelancer can be financially beneficial for businesses. As a self-employed person, the person is responsible for their own taxes, insurance and retirement plan. This means that companies do not have additional costs normally associated with hiring an employee, such as social security contributions, sick leave, vacation pay and training costs.

You also don't have to worry about finding additional office space or equipment. In addition, administrative burdens associated with hiring an employee do not apply. Consider keeping up with payroll, paying taxes and tracking leave. So by hiring a self-employed person, you can save various costs and manage your budget more efficiently.

3. Specialist expertise

Independent contractors often have specialized knowledge and expertise in a specific area. Because they focus on a specific field, they have the opportunity to specialize and continually develop their skills. Hiring a freelancer allows you to access this specific expertise and benefit from their in-depth knowledge. This can improve the quality of work provided and give your company a competitive advantage. With Striive, you can easily find a freelancer with the required skills and experience when you need it.

4. Rapid deployment

External professionals can often be deployed quickly because they are used to working independently and can switch gears quickly. They often have a flexible schedule and can adapt to the needs of a project. This is especially useful in time-sensitive assignments or projects where speed is an important factor. Instead of going through a lengthy application and selection process, you can start working with a freelance professional right away.

5. Innovation and fresh perspectives

Independent contractors often bring new ideas, innovation and fresh perspectives. As independent professionals, they have often gained experience in different organizations and industries, allowing them to offer a wide range of insights and solutions. Hiring freelancers can help your company think outside the box and explore new ways of working.

Important considerations

So while there are many advantages to hiring a freelancer, there are also some considerations to keep in mind. One of the main disadvantages is that you basically control how the self-employed person performs the work. This is because you cannot dictate how the independent contractor should do the work, how often he or she should report or how the work should be done. This can lead to problems if the work is not done properly or if there are communication problems with the zzp'er. Learn how to avoid this and choose the right professional.

Another disadvantage of hiring a freelancer is that you may have less involvement in the work than if you hire an employee. Still, even a freelancer can make you feel part of the team and increase engagement. Use these tips to optimize collaboration with your professional.

Freelancer or Interim Hire

Hiring external professionals allows companies to adjust their workforce to meet current needs without long-term commitments and additional costs. By taking advantage of the unique skills and experience of freelancers, your company can stand out and remain successful in an ever-changing business environment. Hiring a freelancer? That's best done through Striive.

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