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Find your assignment as a freelancer: 5 tips

More and more people are choosing to be a freelancer. A great development that offers many advantages, but also comes with its own challenges. After all, without an assignment, you have no income. That is why finding an assignment is your most important task when you start as freelancer. We give you 5 tips to get the ideal assignment.

1. Determine your expertise

The best freelance assignment is the one you can work on with passion. If you have affinity with your project, you will experience more satisfaction. And after all, that's one of the reasons you choose to work as a freelancer! So the first step in winning the ideal assignment is to determine what your passion is and where your expertise lies. What are your strengths and where are the gaps in the market? Specialize yourself and define your target group. This will set you apart from the competition and make you more attractive to clients.

2. Calculate your rate

Once you have a clear picture of what service you offer, it is important to charge the right rate. Make sure you know what your expenses are and the minimum amount you need and want to earn. To arrive at a good hourly rate, it is useful to know the average hourly rate in the market.

You can easily use our benchmark tool for that. For each job we clearly show the most common rates. This way you can be sure that your hourly rate is in the right range.

3. Expand your network

The more extensive your network, the greater the chance that you will come into contact with someone who has an assignment available. Build relationships with other professionals and potential clients and customers. Attending events in your industry helps. Think networking drinks or professional events.

Also make sure you have a strong online presence. Think of a professional website where you display your services and expertise. But a professional social media account is also a good way to showcase your services. Share your knowledge and make sure it reflects your expertise.

4. Communicate clearly

Following on from the previous tip, it is desirable to communicate what you are looking for. Brutals have half the world, so it pays to show initiative and show what you have to offer. Make clear exactly what you are looking for in terms of assignment and what you have to offer. Are you looking for a freelance assignment or would you rather work for a client on an interim basis? Make sure that you have this clear to yourself and also make your preferences known to the (potential) client. Make yourself indispensable to the organization you will be working for.

5. Use an online platform 

You can of course look for a job yourself and approach the client directly. But how convenient is it to have all kinds of clients together? This is possible with an online platform, like the one we offer. We are the platform for professionals, clients and suppliers.

Through Striive you can respond directly to assignments, without the intervention of expensive intermediaries. This way we remain transparent and keep costs low. Choose one of the service packages we offer within Striive. With several packages to choose from, you can quickly arrange your contract and get started right away.

Find your assignment 

If you have applied all the tips above, you will find an assignment you can enjoy working on in no time. Register now for free on our platform and stay informed about all assignments. With our email alerts you will never miss an assignment again. Still have questions? We are ready to help you every day at or 31 (0)88 - 0182 601.

How Striive works
  • Find a suitable assignment
  • Place a bid
  • Simple contract processing
  • Getting Started
  • Fast disbursement